Year: 1916
Runtime: 3 mins
Description: I. 'U.S.A. v MEXICO. In view of the grave situation the American fleet, prepared for all eventualities sails for Mexican waters.' MS off the starboard bow of USS Michigan - the frame cuts the picture just aft of her second funnel. MS as New Hampshire (22) moves left to right through frame, followed by Virginia (23).II. 'ECCENTRIC CLUB ENTERTAIN WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Over 600 convalescent soldiers from various hospitals enjoy themselves at the entertainment given to them at the "Karsino" Hampton Court.' HA as soldiers file in through gates to an open air restaurant - the leading two are on crutches. CU of men enjoying some general horseplay - they are throwing balls (oranges ?) and one mimes throwing at the camera. Bandsmen warm up. The men eat at tables on the riverside - one waves to camera.III. 'CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE. The London Diocesan Church Lads' Brigade, being inspected by Lord French at Somerset House.' French inspects serried ranks of boys, some with arms shouldered - he is cheered. MS left profile of Lord French striking a martial pose. The lads pass in review - they carry Martini-Henry carbines suited to their stature.IV. 'HOSPITAL SUNDAY. Lord Mayor and Sheriffs attend in state the service at St. Pauls.' Lord Mayor and mayoress descend the steps of the cathedral with sheriff carrying mace.V. 'JUDGES AT ST. PAULS. The Lord Chancellor and His Majesty's Judges leaving the Cathedral after the Service.' Lord Chancellor and judges with their wives descend steps of Saint Pauls.
I. US Fleet departs for Mexican waters.II. Convalescent soldiers are entertained.III. Lord French inspects the Lads' Brigade.IV. Lord Mayor leaves Saint Paul's after service.V. Lord Chancellor leaves Saint Paul's after service.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / French, John Denton Pinkstone / London, Lord Mayor of / Lord Chancellor / United States Navy, USS MICHIGAN, battleship (1908) / United States Navy & New Hampshire / United States Navy & Virginia / London Diocesan Church Lads' Brigade / ships, United States - battleship: Michigan / ships, United States - battleship: New Hampshire / ships, United States - battleship: Virginia / medical, British military - long term: convalescent soldiers / recreation, British military - casual / ceremonies, British - display: inspection / religion, Christianity - ceremonial, British: Hospital Sunday service / Hampton Court, Middlesex, England, UK / GB, England & London, EC
/ GB, England & London, EC / Children / Children and war -
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Topical Film Company
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: